Sunday, January 23, 2011

Why Adults In Beauty Pageants Are Terrible

Well what do you know? The Miss America 2011 talent competition winner was a clogger. Way to go, Miss North Carolina... even if you would have won that crown you'd still be a loser. And not just because you're a clogger, but because you're an adult who does beauty pageants.


  1. So you're jealous....again

  2. I do not understand why you must constantly degrade people who do things you wished you could... The women in these pageants work VERY hard and put in a lot of time to be the best. I have a lot of respect for these women. Also, I do pageants myself and I know first hand how hard, stressful, time consuming, and exhausting these events can be; and on top of all of that they get up on stage and allow themselves to be judged with a smile on their faces knowing that all their work may have been in vain. However, I know how rewarding all the work put into it is when the crown is placed on your head, and all the crowd cheers for you because your efforts have prevailed.
